Saturday, July 13, 2013

Europe with Sabrina--let's start with Spain

Last winter Sabrina decided she was going to go to Europe this year. We had not gone to pick her up from her mission and I wanted to be able to visit some of the families she taught so we decided to go together. Since we would be in the Iberian peninsula and I have always wanted to go to Spain, Sabrina indulged me and we included that in our itinerary. Then we decided, since we were going to be so close and might not have the opportunity again, we should go to England as well. This turned in to a wonderful vacation although we were definitely running out of clean clothes by the end.

We began our adventures in Madrid. The weather was perfect and the people we met were delightful. We kind of OD'd on museums here and sort of avoided them for the rest of the trip but we saw fabulous art as well as the Palacio Real (largest royal palace in Europe) and other wonderful things. Here's a taste.
 El Parque del Retiro

 The Crystal Palace outside...

 ...and in.

 A beautiful rose garden in the Parque del Retiro.

 It smelled heavenly!

 The Botanical Gardens

On our way to church. That was one of the best things we did!

 We found the temple but it was closed for cleaning.

 Super windy so our clothes and hair were everywhere!

 El Palacio Real

 The creepiest cat ever accosted us in the Plaza Mayor and then insisted that we pay him for taking his picture! Really?

 La Catedral de Adumena

It was like a dream come true after all these years. When we came back, I told Mario we could move there any time.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy you are all settled in your new home and blogging again. I am also very jealous of your European excursion. Looks like so much fun!

