Saturday, May 8, 2010

No More Braces!

Summer got her braces off! Yeah! She (and her dad) is really happy with the results. Now if she will just wear her retainer...

Here is a picture of Summer with her Seminary teacher.
Tonight is the Mormon Prom and Summer went with a great group of youth from our ward. Some did not want their pictures taken but those who did are shown below.
The Stake President held a reception for all the youth at his home tonight so that was the launching site. Hope they have a great time!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how grown up Summer is! She's so beautiful too!!

    (oh and I'm such a nerd and I totally gasped audibly when I saw her w/ Sister Wheatley b/c I recognize her as the mother of a friend of a friend who's blog I've read daily for over 2 yrs.(therhouse), haha, did that even make sense?--what a small world! and it seems even smaller within the lds community. lol.)

